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Scope & Abstract


Structure analysis, Chemical analysis, OM, SEM, TEM, EELS, HAADF-STEM, HRTEM, Tomography, Diffraction, Physical properties, etc.




Each registered participant may submit one abstract in Microsoft Word format using Google form below.

When preparing the abstract, please pay attention to the following rules:

  • abstracts must be written in English

  • abstract must be 2 page of A4 format, all margins 2.5 cm

  • the font used throughout the abstract should be Times New Roman, single-spacing

  • title: 13 pt, bold, centered

  • for the rest of the abstract: 10 pt

  • the authors list and the affiliations should be centered (please underline the presenting author)

  • abstract may contain figures, references and acknowledgments if desired.


Abstracts will be published in the conference book of abstracts.

The authors should specify their preference for oral or poster presentation in the body of the message; however, the Symposium committees will adopt the final decision

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